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This article, 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry Regiment, was created by plaguenumber3. Please do not edit this article without explicit permission from the author.
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91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry
Desert operations by arkurion-d6kwcrg


  • Call: Husk Riders! What do we do?
  • Response: Ride the Husks!
  • Call: What do we fight?
  • Response: Husks!
  • Call: What do we make our enemies?
  • Response: Empty Husks!


Husk Riders, The box lads


  • Armored Warfare support
  • Armor Screening
  • Close Quarters Combat

Date Founded:




Current Officers:

  • Colonel Vladimir Zhukov XVII
  • Lt Colonel Nickolai Arntov
  • Commissar Olferious Arntovious

Troop Composition:

3,000 Guardsmen divided across 3 Battalions

This article, 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry Regiment, may be linked to any page. The author, plaguenumber3, has given this permission.

"Listen up, Husk Riders, we have been requested 47 Kliks from our current location here at Mustafa to here in Astrafar. We are to eliminate the enemy armor we will be encountering along our way. Most likely command intends us to be a sacrificial unit to stall the enemy's armored advance...I ORDER YOU TO DESTROY SAID ADVANCE!"
—Colonel Vladimir Stukof III before the 91st engaged in a one week engagment with a Orkish armored "Da-vusion"

The 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry Regiment, otherwise known as the Husk Riders, are a regiment of armored support infantry well respected by their Armored Regiment counterparts for their selfless duty to protect the armored Calvary of the Imperial Guard and to the support of imperial Lightning warfare. True to their Ozue roots the 91st Ozue are highly talented in most forms of armored and counter-armor warfare, such experience can make these men and woman seem to be superb tank-hunters when placed next to less experienced guardsmen. This combination of duties and talents with a height of experience and talent surpassing even their fellow Ozue Mechanized counterparts make the Husk Riders a highly sought force during wars in which armored warfare will be critical.

History of the 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry[]


Ozue the regimental homeworld the 91st is a world whose entire history seems to be seeped in mechanized and armored warfare. The world, a flat easy to farmed world whose empty terrain is only broken by forests, rivers, and the occasional city, was a perfect staging ground for armored warfare. Long before The Emperor's great crusade had come to their world, the population had mastered the arts of armored warfare. Mechanized infantry units and tank battalions ruled the planet's military history, while small factories produced the weapons of war as easily as those of any forge-world. When the Imperial army discovered the world they attempted to claim it for the emperor by force, however aggressive tactics and shockingly mobile forces outflanked and destroyed the more technologically advanced armies of the Imperial armies small detachment forces. It wouldn't be until the Arrival of Horus, and the other Primarchs whose negotiation skills and reasoning, coupled by the world's leaders being awed by their "walking light tanks" brought this world to imperial control with the promise to allow the Ozue to use their tanks and armored forces against new, far off and interesting foes. A promise the Imperium has yet to fail to uphold.

Regimental Founding[]

The Imperial world Ozue follows a set schedule of when it is supposed to, in Tithe to the Emperor, produce new regiments to replace those that were entirely destroyed and to bolster the number of Ozue guardsmen out fighting throughout the galaxy.  As such it was the 38th Ozue tithe that gave birth to the 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry.  The original soldiers and officers of the Ozue 91st were gathered and trained alongside twelve other newly formed regiments. The 91st  was given a stern guidance as they first began to train for war under the supervision of their first Commanding Officer Geoffry Luxinham and his Lt. Colonel Vladimir Zhukov. Within four years after their founding the Ozue 91st were finally accepted into the guard by the Departmento Munitorum and sent to fight the wars of the Emperor. within thirty years the regiment would garner a reputation of devoting steadfast support to the Armored Regiments of the Imperial Guard and for aggressively seeking out and destroying their enemy.

The Culture of the Husk Riders[]

Regiment Culture[]

The Culture which exists within the 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry is one of devotion and open friendship. While the Armored Regiments of Ozue might hold themselves apart from the rest of the Imperial guard, the Husk Riders, like all Ozue Mechanized regiments, both professionally and willingly work more closely with whichever regiments they might find themselves along side with. This sense of welcome and encouragement typically makes the Ozue 91st a moral raiser for the regiments who work along side them and also allows the regiment to more easily cooperate with those they are assigned to fight along side of.

The Husk Riders also have proven themselves a very devoted regiment. Once they join with another force for a mission, or are assigned a mission, the Ozue culture of family and friendship, combined with the strict discipline and training means that each of the regiments men will certainly sacrifice their everything to see their objective through to the end. Once this sense of devotion even nearly caused the destruction of the regiment as they pressed in on what were impossible odds in an attempt to rescue one of the regiments they had been partnered with from a overwhelming force which had encircled them.

Husk Rider culture is also consistent of a much stronger sense of family amongst it's squads than what they show towards other regiments, one that unites them into tight-knit units. Often troop transports of the 91st behave akin to small clans, the units negotiating the trade of their own to another squad or platoon rarely and forming their own squad and platoon specific rites and traditions. This is a trait that nearly all Ozue regiments share in some form, and is viewed as a moral raising factor of the Ozue regiments by the regimental commanders.

Replenishment and Recruitment[]


a weapon crew learns methods to use a heavy bolter in a emergency

The 91st Ozue often replenish their forces with routine return trips to Ozue, new companies catching transport out to the regiment, or drawing from the "soft-bottom" regiment children. Those trained on Ozue to join the regiment undergo a training routine similar to what their regiment's first guardsmen underwent, quickly learning combat discipline and the basics of Ozue warfare and weapon operation. It is here that the trainees will first learn to use the Bullpup pattern lasrifle favored by Ozue regiments, the standard war-gear and explosives used by the Ozue and the Ozue Mechanized infantry's unique Vekrineir Mk-5 anti-material field gun. During training recruits for the Ozue Mechanized regiments all receive the same harsh routine of training, which would often include simulated convoy assaults, and long hours spend within the confines of either Imperial Chimeras or other transport equivalents. After trainees learn the art of Ozue warfair they are either organized into fresh companies and sent to their regiments or are folded into a regiment which has come back to Ozue to replenish it's troop complement.

No matter which way the new recruits are brought into the Husk Riders the regiment's welcome and tradition remains the same. Initially all new recruits to the Husk Riders are immediately called "soft-bottoms" and are treated more like visitors than actual members of the regiment. At worst they are forced to do tasks that the other members of the regiment would rather not preform, such as clean the chimeras,  but typically they are simply disallowed to join the others of the regiment in their familiar circles or forced to keep to their own "soft bottom" squads until they participate in combat and successfully engage a enemy. To the Husk Riders initiation matters less upon the actual slaying of a foe of the Imperium and weighs more upon the success of individual's actions, keeping a enemy pinned for a significant amount of time easily earns a measure of respect for a new squaddie just the same as killing a ork or large mutant would.


The 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry Regiment is listed as a mixed sexes Regiment. That said the regiment holds a disparity of women in it's ranks. Most Platoons are fortunate to hold even a single woman in their ranks as the "Steel Maidens" "Jade" and "Duchess" companies holds the majority of the regiments women and is loath to trade one of their girls to the other Companies even their fellow female dominate companies.

While marriages of any kind are not officially noticed in the 91st, this does not prevent the regiment's men and women from occasionally coming together to form couples and even have and/or raise children. To attempt to prevent relationships that would be detrimental to the strict order of the 91st the regiments commanding officers had long ago formed a tradition of keeping couples as separate as possible only allowing any pair they are aware of to meet as the regiment is in transit from one warzone to another.


1st "kings" Battalion[]

The Primary Battalion of the Husk Riders, the Kings Battalion primarily consists of the Regiment's most visible units and is home to both the "King" company which houses the Regimental command and to the "Ivory" company which is home to the regiment's attaches including the regiment's engineseers, each of the regiment's past and current Commissars and the occasional Adeptus Ministorum Attache.

1st "Regicide" Company

Home to the Regiment's command the "Regicide" Company is the only company in the entire Regiment in which the squads are given official names. Each of the Squads attached to the 1st Company are designated particular names coinciding with pieces of a Regicide game, and serve purposes similar to what the game pieces might. In the case of a possible vox-breach the 1st Company will preform a safety procedure under the call sign of "castling" in which each of the squads will trade it's name with that of a predesignated squad in the company.

2nd "Ivory" Company

Ivory company attache

An Ivory Company attache

Home to the various Attaches the regiment has received over the course of it's existence, the "Ivory" company is the most open and welcoming company in the entirety of the Husk Riders. The Ivory Company more-so than any other company in the Husk Riders has earned their reputation of selfless devotion to their fellow Imperial Guard and have fought hardest to aid a endangered allied force. If the Regiment ever has a situation needing to put forward a good public face it is also the "Ivory" Company whom they will first call upon.

3rd "Marble" Company

Similar to the "Ivory" Company, the 3rd "Marble" Company is a extremely visible company known for their support capabilities. The Husk Riders 3rd Company is the first Battalion's expert company of tank support specialists. The Marble Company has a well earned reputation of reducing fierce armor into brittle Marble statues, a reputation in which the 3rd Company fiercely defends whenever the Regiment finds itself against any form of enemy armor.

4th "Jade" Company

The "Kings" Battalion's all female company, the Jade Company is a force of veteran female guardsmen of the 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry. As such they form the most experienced and looked up to female Company in the Husk Riders. To keep their position amongst the Jade Company every woman in the regiment is expected to contribute fiercely to any battle the Jade Company engages in. Also to denote their position within the Jade Company each of the Company's women weave a piece of Jade into their skin.

2nd "Knights" Battalion[]

The Knights Battalion is not only the second Battalion of the Husk Riders but also the most veteran as the "Knights" Battalion is usually the first battalion to encounter a enemy force and the Battalion most thoroughly dedicated to any offensive the 91st will participate in. This veterancy is hard earned however, and the battalion typically sustains the heaviest casualties in the entirety of the Husk Riders.

1st "Tin-Men" Company

The command Company of the "Kights" the first, or Tin-Men company primarily serves as the jack-of-all-trades reserve for the other three companies. If any of the other companies of of the "Knights" battalion require reinforcement it will be the "Tin-Men" who will be rushed forward to fill the gap. As such the first company is seen as both a rescuing hero and a posh job by the other members of the second battalion.

2nd "Steel-Maidens" Company

The nearly all female portion of the Second Battalion, the "Steel-Maidens" second company is the outflanking force of the second battalion. in a typical situation the "Steel-Maidens" will use superior maneuverability to place themselves in position to strike the enemy from unguarded and hopefully unexpected positions. If incapable to flank a enemy force the "Steel-Maidens" keep to their namesake fighting on with a steely resolve difficult to match in all of the Husk Riders.

No quarter warhammer 40k by guywiththesuitcase-d576935

3rd "Iron-Breach" Company

Third Company of the 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry, the "Iron-Breach" are the forward point of the Husk Riders thrust spear. The "Iron-Breach" Company hold a grim reputation on being the the breach makers and first wave of any attack, often pressing forward under enemy artillery and cannon fire to disgorge their men directly upon a enemy force. As such the Second Battalion Third Company keep the closest relations with the Medicades which follow with the Imperial Guard.

4th "Lead-Throwers"

Company Of the Second Battalion the Fourth "Lead-throwers" Company is the most experienced in counter-armored warfare. Often brought forward to stop an enemy armored thrust of to support a Armored Regiment's tank hunting, the "Lead-Throwers" serve as perhaps the entire Regiment's most experienced tank hunters. With cannon, grenade or trick of the trade the Fourth Company is known to disable enemy tanks with a skill hardly matched by any man outside of Ozue.

3rd "Noble" Battalion[]

Also referred to as the "Babysitter" battalion or even the "Noble Soft-bottoms" the Third "Noble" Battalion houses and trains all fresh members to the Ozue 91st Regiment. "Soft-bottom" white-shields who join the 91st first are trained and begin their career amongst the Husk Riders among the four companies of the "Noble" Battalion.

1st "Dukes" Company

The Command Company of the "Noble" Battalion is the "Dukes" Company. Consistent of the most veteran members of the Third Battalion, the "Dukes" Company is the most combat active amongst the Third Battalion, and often will lead the rest of the battalion into combat. As the First Company is also the Company which determines if one amongst the Third Battalion is worthy of advancement or not, it is often the tradition of the Third Battalion First Company officers to test guardsmen with a series of Trials before allowing them to be transferred or traded into the First or Second Battalions.

2nd "Duchess"

Company The all female company of the "Noble" Battalion, the "Duchess" Company is often mocked by their sister companies as the "Baby-bottom-Girls". As their Company is often a target of ridicule by the more senior companies the "Duchesses" have garnered a reputation entering into fierce combat blindly, instead fighting in hopes of earning their way out of the "Duchesses" or at least recognition by their peers.

3rd "Counts" Company

A company of specialists amongst the Third Battalion, the "Counts" are a force of fresh guardsmen undergoing "training" in the "Proper" use of the Regiment's holy weapons. The Third Company makes use of the most diverse array of the Regiments weapons and serves as the Third Battalions special circumstances force. When new troopers are inducted into the Husk Riders the Third Battalion Third Company keeps a keen eye out for new Guardsmen who show a apptitude for using a wide variety or unique weapons.

4th "Baron" Company

The final company of the Ozue 91st Regiment, the fourth or "Baron" company houses the majority of white-shields, otherwise known as "Soft-Bottoms" and young Guardsmen. As such the "Baron" company upholds the most strict discipline of the Ozue 91st drilling their men daily. While many of the Guardsmen of the "Baron" Company are relatively new and scarcely tested, the Regiment's routine has proven effective in keeping the fresh meat of the Husk Riders in good order and full readiness.


Guardsmen weapons[]

Accatran Pattern Mark II Laspistol

A favorite amongst the Ozue Mechanized Regiments, the 91st makes extensive use of this particular model of sidearm. As the Accatran pattern Laspistol contains more power and a larger clip size than the typical laspistol, in addition to the weapon's small size, the Accatran is the go-to weapon for close quarters engagements and general use amongst the Ozue regiments. Due to how the weapon uses a standard lasgun power pack allowing the regiments which utilize the weapon to cut down on the variety of needed ammunition and to holster their laspistols as a emergency reserve clip for their primary lasrifles in extreme situations.

M37 Bullpup Pattern Lasrifle

The Ozue issue M37 Bullpup Pattern Lasrifle, a locally produced modification to the standard Imperial Bullpup Pattern Lasrifle, is the primary weapon of the Ozue Mechanized Infantry Regiments. Each of the M37 Bullpup Lasrifles which are modified for use with the Ozue regiments have a Bayonet lug primarily for mounting locally manufactured chain daggers on. The M37 Bullpup is also features a targeter system which allows the guardsmen using the weapon to more accurately and quickly sight in on targets. To complement typical Ozue Tactics the M37 is also modified to fire at twice the rate of the standard Bullpup Lasrifle, though the rifle has a lessened charge capacity as a result. Soldiers of the Ozue Mechanized infantry are trained to use their Bullpup rifles as rapid deployment weapons, quickly exiting their transports and either directly engaging a enemy with their chain bayonets or using the weapons Targeter to quickly attain a target and fire.

Grenades/ Grenade Launchers

The Ozue Mechanized Infantry guardsman is issued one fragmentation grenade and three krak grenades as standard issue, as the Ozue Munitorum prioritizes infantry to vehicle warfare over standard infantry against infantry warfare. However those amongst the Ozue who take up the role as a grenade specialist, and utilize the standard Grenade Launcher are granted access to a more significant supply of fragmentation and Krak grenades. When Employed the Ozue Grenade Launcher, is used primarily as a counter to enemy armor and fortified positions as to soften the targets of the Ozue Infantry.

Mark II Accatran Pattern Plasma Gun

As the Accatran Plasma Gun was designed to be lightweight for the famed Elysian Drop Troops, it was quickly adapted by the Ozue Mechanized infantry after they discovered the weapon. With the ability to penetrate a vehicles armor at ranges most Melta weapons can not reach, the wide versatility of the Plasmagun was seen as a great boon to the Imperial Guardsmen of even the Ozue 91st Mechanized. While the weapon is at times seen as a risk, nearly all the troopers of the Ozue 91st see the Plasmagun as a weapon of great potential and are proud to fight with one at their side.

Agrippina Pattern Mk II Autocannon

The standard Imperial Guard Autocannon, the Agrippina Pattern Mk II found itself in a unique nitch amongst the Infantry Regiments of the Ozue, particularly the Mechanized regiments such as the Husk Riders. To the Ozue the Autocannon was a perfect weapon to dedicate to the destruction of "light" armor, and currently serves as a support weapon for the Ozue's preferred and loved Vekrineir Mk-5. The Agrippina Autocannon typically is placed along side the Vekrineir field guns of the Husk Riders as a means to thin advancing enemy ranks and to provide fire support against a target as needed, though such moments are rare.

Vekrineir Mk-5 Anti-Material Field Gun

Vekrineir Mk-5 Anti-Material Field Gun

Developed on Ozue for the planet's own Armored wars, the Vekrineir Mk-5 Anti-Material Field Gun is the favorite anti-armor weapon of any and all Ozue Infantry regiments. This cart carried Field gun is typically found within the Ozue Mechanized Regiments, where the armored workhorses of the Imperial Guard can easily move the large cumbersome weapons for the guardsmen who love them so. While the Vekrineir is large and difficult to move and operate, only firing a single shell at a time, the weapon's excellent range and armor penetration make it a must for the Ozue. Experienced crews operating the Vekrineir can utilize the weapon to devastating effect, such skill has birthed a standing legend amongst the Husk Riders of a weapon's team who downed eighteen Traitor Marines with the weapon before the foul heretics could come within range to devastate the crew with their blighted bolters.


Ozue Model Flak Armor

While Offering little to no difference in both protection location and defensive value, the Ozue Model Flak Armor was designed with armored warfare at the forefront. As such the armor placement primarily centralizes around the upper body, thighs, and shins, while offering more mobility and comfort to locations of the Guardsman's body which have less to do with combat, in the eyes of the Ozue, and more with proper movement and supply storage while within a vehicle.

Ozue Issue Chain Daggers

Each Ozue Guardsman is given two Ozue Chain daggers for use in combat upon their acceptance into the Imperial Guard, amongst the Mechanized Infantry, particularly the 91st, these two Daggers are divided, one for use with the bayonet lug of the Guardsman's rifle and the other as a reserve and for use as the guardsman sees fit. Amongst the 91st the second Chain Dagger is used primarily as a work tool whenever the regiment is not in the thick of battle, while the first is kept with their rifles and routinely maintained.

Ozue Field Supply Bag

Supplied by Ozue, the Ozue Field Supply Bag initially comes filled with spare uniforms, kitchen utensils, and various other supplies necessary for a soldier of the Ozue to survive on the field. Each bag is designed to attach to the outside of a Imperial vehicle as to allow a Ozue Infantryman to carry his needed supplies with his vehicle. Over time the bag's contents will become more personalized with it's contents varying from personal trophies, to extra food supplies. Often amongst the Husk Riders when a member of a squad or company dies the squad or company will ritualistically pull out the deceased items from his supply bag and bury him with whichever items they felt were most tied to their former comrade. Afterwards instead of returning the bag to the Munitorum the regiment will keep and use the bag as a keepsake and for extra storage space.

Ozue Issue Rucksack

The Standard issue Rucksack every Imperial Guardsman carries was seen as space consuming by the Ozue, and thus several modifications were made to the traditional Rucksack allowing for freedom of movement while in a transport. The Ozue Issue Rucksack was designed to rest more on the shoulders and side of the Guardsman carrying it, taking up less backspace from the guardsman in exchange for being seen as wider.

Ozue Entrenching Tool

Similar to most Imperial Infantry all Ozue Guardsmen carry a Entrenching Tool either strapped to their vehicle or on their Rucksack. These Ozue issued Entrenching tools feature a single spade head shovel with a extension. While locked into the shoveling position the pick is pressed against the handle of the entrenching tool allowing ease of use for the digging soldier, however the tool can easily lock into place as a pick allowing the guardsman using it to utilize the tool in a similar manner as the standard Imperial Entrenching Tool.  However this versatility makes the standard Ozue Entrenching Tool more delicate than the standard Imperial Entrenching tool and the Ozue Entrenching tool is known to break more often than the standard counterpart, causing some of the 91st to keep a spare entrenching tool of either design in their Field bag.

Mess Kit, 2 Canteens, 6 weeks worth of rations

Typically given to newer Guardsmen in their Standard Issue Ozue Field Supply Bag. Each guardsman begins his career amognst the Ozue with a single mess kit, to be replaced at their own expense if lost, two canteens of water, and six weeks worth of rations. The standard Ozue mess kit comes with two dining knives, and two eating utensils known rather unfavorably amongst the 91st as "sporks", amongst the Husk Riders to replace their "spork" with a proper eating utensil is a must and those who still dine using theirs are immediately identified as "soft-bottoms". The two canteens given to guardsmen by the Ozue Munitorum are granted to allow the guardsmen to continue traveling with fewer breaks between their point of origin and their destination. In relative spite of the many errors involving the munitorum giving incorrect supplies to the Husk Riders, including a incident where they received extra canteens instead of charge packs for their rifles, the 91st Mechanized save their second canteens as emergency urinals, and instead keep a third canteen in their Field Supply Bag.

Standard Repair Kit

True to their Ozue heritage every member of the Husk Riders was raised with at least a working knowledge of how to properly maintain a vehicle. While looked down upon by the Mechanicus the Ozue people all have a innate love for the maintenance and care for their vehicles. As such every Ozue regiment is supplied with the Standard Repair Kit, like each of their brother regiments the Ozue 91st know their Vehicle's maintenance and their repair kits almost as well as they know their rifles. The Standard Repair Kit, most likely as a effort to pass the kit by the Munitorum, also serves as a maintenance kit for the Ozue Infantryman's lasrifle and contains tools meant for the care of the various weapons employed by the Ozue, however amongst the 91st and possibly quite a few other Mechanized regiments these tools have found their ways into separate bags or pockets of the individual soldiers Rucksack.


As the interior of any vehicle can be loud the Ozue early in their time amongst the Imperial Guard adopted the use of Micro-beads to allow ease of communication between the soldiers. While the protocols, uses, and codes for the Micro-beads amongst the various regiments of the Ozue differ greatly, amongst the 91st the Micro-beads contain few frequencies, and most communications are limited to few word communications between the various members of a single transport.



Perhaps the most recognized transport within the entirety of the Imperium of Man, the Chimera serves as the primary transport vehicle of the Guardsmen of the 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry. The Chimera's within the Ozue Mechanized Infantry are a slightly altered variant, each possessing a turret mounted Autocannon as the vehicle's primary weapon, with a hull mounted heavy bolter in support, however it is the additional missiles locked to the sides of the main turret which grant the Ozue Mechanized Chimera's their special status. Each of the Chimera's two missiles are specialized tank killers, designed to penetrate armor with the highest degree of efficiency. Outside of their armaments the Chimeras of the Husk Riders have also undergone a number of "in-regiment" and "Ozue standard" modifications maximizing engine efficiency and adding additional armor at points the Ozue feel are weaknesses in the defense.


The primary and proud workhorse of the Ozue's mechanized infantry, while the Centaur is smaller and capable of carrying fewer men than it's Chimera counterpart, the Centaur amongst all the vehicles in the 91st mechanized infantry's possession holds the unique honor of towing the Vekrineir Mk-5 Anti-Material Field Gun. As the Imperial workhorse the Centaur was easily inducted into


the Ozue Mechanized regiments. When the Husk Riders were first introduced to the Centaur it is said that the weapons teams for the Vekrineir fell in love with the transport immediately. Since the vehicle was introduced to the 91st it has served almost exclusively alongside the Vekrineir.


A light and fast scout vehicle of the Imperial Guard, the Tauros serves it's role as a forward scout amongst the 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry Regiment. Primarily armed with Heavy stubbers or Heavy Flamers, the Tauros of the Husk Riders speed ahead of the main force seeking enemy contacts before reporting back to the main force. In support the Tauros provides ample anti-infantry fire power to cover their Husk Rider comrades as the Infantry might push forward. There have been many times where the famed aggression of the Ozue Armored forces has shined through even to the Ozue Mechanized Infantry through the Touros, such as the common occurrence where flights of the vehicle would open up with their Heavy Flamers setting entire small villages ablaze before the main force of the Ozue Mechanized or the Ozue Armored they were scouting for could even arrive.

Combat Doctrine[]

To be of Ozue is to be raised amongst a people entirely obsessed with armored warfare, as such the combat doctrine of the Husk Rides more than perfectly reflects this aspect of their heritage. Trained first in the combat roles of support of the main armor thrust and as tank-hunters the Ozue initially come to the battlefields of the Imperium with a immense understanding and skill in all aspects related to the waging of armored warfare. However this training lacks in regards to other regiments in situations in which enemy, and allied, armored support is non-existent.  With centuries of experience in all battlefield types the Husk Riders, through trial and error, eventually developed stratagems to coupe with their deficiencies and to best work in most situations.

Ozue Standard Tactics[]

The Armored Screen[]

As they are first and foremost a Regiment designed to support a armored advance all Ozue Mechanized Infantry Regiments are initially heavily drilled in the art of efficiently shadowing allied Armor, their vehicles keeping back until a threat to the tank forces they support is found. Once the mainline engages with the enemy the Ozue will act as a spot defense rapidly deploying directly into a enemy which threatens the armored advance of the Imperium. For the soldiers within Chimeras of a Ozue Regiment combat is short and fierce, separated by tense periods of sitting within their transports waiting for their chance to unleash upon whichever enemy their vehicle commander deems a potential threat to their charges. However for those who man the Vekrineir Field Gun battles of this sort are preferable as they can maneuver to use their weapon to strike enemy armor from unexpected angles.

Tank Trap[]

One of the many counter-armor tactics taught to guardsmen of Ozue is the Tank Trap deployment. In this the Ozue will survay the land, choosing optimal striking positions for their anti-material weapons, then they will send out a "luring force" brave men and women whose sole duty is to garner the attention of the enemy's lead armor and bring the enemy to the ambush site. Once they enemy has properly been lured the Ozue will destroy the enemy lead tank, depending if the full enemy force or only a single vehicle had followed the lureing force the Ozue's tactic will change. If the entirety of the enemy had followed the Ozue will in their entirety spring to action surrounding the enemy and eliminating them, if only a single vehicle had followed, the Ozue will incapacitate the vehicle and disperse spreading thin the enemy and slowly picking apart the armored force, a feat few can claim to do as well as the Ozue.

The Direct Release[]

Most common with the Ozue Mechanized Regiments, the standard tactical choice of most Ozue Commanders is to have their Chimera's unload their guardsmen as close to the enemy, if not directly into the enemy, as possible. Utilizing their chain bayonets and skills honed by constant drills the Ozue Mechanized Infantry are often capable of causing immense damage to a enemy force in the moments from when they first emerge from their transport. Ozue Mechanized regiments, particularly the veteran 91st Mechanized 2nd Battalion Third Company, are known to use this method of deployment as truly devastating means to break enemy defensive lines, as in the first seconds of combat the Ozue Mechanized Guardsman appears to be a force of their own right.

Husk Riders Stratagems[]

Bunker  Line[]

As the Husk Riders encountered more and more infantry line situations they quickly learned that the Ozue standard training for counter-armor warfare would not suffice against enemies who swarmed their ranks with tides of flesh. To combat against enemies who primarily engaged with large forces of foot soldiers the Husk Riders adapted to using their transports as mobile bunkers, while those who could not fire from within their transports used the vehicles as mobile cover. The Husk Riders make it a training practice to rush their transports into the closest effective range for their weaponry before disembarking roughly half their Chimera's complement of Guardsmen, relying on the men still in the Chimeras to gun down any enemies foolish enough to try charging past the Husk Riders armor, the men outside and the Chimera's own weapons press against the enemy steadily pushing their foes back, while the supporting vehicles of the assault, typically the regiment's Centaurs, will ensure the enemy do not break the line.

The Drop-and-Go[]

A disliked, but efficient tactic eventually developed by the Husk Riders to counter enemies who have fortified themselves in rural arias, the drop-and-go tactic has the regiment's transports disembark their load of guardsmen before making contact with the enemy. Next the vehicles will rush into the midst of the enemy region unleashing the full fury of their holy ordinance against the enemies of man. While the foe is distracted by the vehicles, and few volunteering guardsmen,  attacking in their midst the main force will march into combat aria typically catching the enemy by surprise and quickly tearing into the enemy ranks.

Notable Husk Riders[]


Colonel Vladimir Zhukov XVII[]

"Keep in Order! Strike as you were told and you will most probably survive!"
—Colonel Vladimir Zhukov XVII

The current inheritor of both the esteemed name of Vladimir Zhukov and of the command position of the Husk Riders, Colonel Vladimir was like his father,


grandfather and each ancestor before that raised amongst the Husk Riders, and has known only war for his entire life. By the age of eighteen Vladimir Zhukov had earned himself a command position as the Major of the "Noble" Battalion, while the regiment was under the command of Gregory Yans who had taken over the command position of the regiment after the death of Vladimir XVI, who had died in battle against a ork onslaught. During this period Vladimir Zhukov XVII worked tirelessly to gain position and hopefully reclaim the rank of colonel over the Ozue 91st for the honor of his lineage. 

After years of harsh battles and close calls, Vladimir eventually did find himself in position to claim the position of colonel, when one day Gregory Yans was downed by a furious counter-blow from a dying Chaos Lord. While the colonel would survive, he was no longer in position to command. Seeing his opportunity Vladimir quickly stepped up and claimed the position amongst his fellow Husk Riders, he felt was his birthright. Since that point Vladimir has ruled over his regiment with the strict discipline and certainty which he once used to keep the "soft-bottom" third battalion in good order.

Off the fields of battle Vladimir is a devout soldier and a fatherly figure amongst his men. Often Vladimir will go to the current Ecclesiastical attaches to the regiment to confess his sins or simply to beg for the God-Emperor's favor in the regiment's next upcoming mission. He often encourages prayer amongst his men, and will personally see to their spiritual well being as well as to their physical needs, including personal beatings is the men's sins should warrant his intervention. Amongst the Munitorum Vladimir is seen as a wild beast, fighting fiercely with the adepts to ensure his men are supplied with whatever comforts he can provide them, though this he ensures is kept as secret as possible from the guardsmen of the 91st.

Missionary Jullian Arwick[]

Jullian Arwick
"Praise to The Emperor! I have known your faith well brothers press onwards in his glory!"
—Missionary Jullian Arwick

Ecclesiastical Attache to the Husk Riders for over sixty years, Missionary Jullian Arwick has known a great many of the hardships the current 91st Mechanized infantry have gone through. During his time amongst them the Missionary has seen to the strict upholding of the Imperial Creed amongst the soldiers of the regiment, through use of inspirational words, encouragements and suggestions to the command of the regiment and through displays of holy might.  While not an official member of the Husk Riders, Jullian Arwick is neither considered a "soft-bottom" nor treated as a guest of the regiment, instead Jullian is seen as a sort of relative amongst the Husk Riders and is treated as such.

As the tactical mindset of the Husk Riders and indeed the entirety of the Ozue people is one of attack, Jullian Arwick has little trouble encouraging the guardsmen of the Husk Riders to sally forward in the name of the Emperor.  Instead Jullian encourages the individual guardsmen around himself to fight beyond their limitations and provides them reassurance that their faith will carry them even after death. Thus the Missionary provides the men about himself with a encouragement and zeal which often sparks feats of true heroism amongst the Husk Riders that has earned the Missionary the nickname "The Hero Maker".

When not in battle, Jullian often is making rounds amongst the Husk Riders, listening to private confessions or leading hymns to the emperor. Often Jullian works hard to raise the spirits of the Husk Riders encouraging them with songs of the Emperor's glory, Tales of Ollanius Pius who had saved the Emperor, and of other saints amongst the imperial guard. When not using faith to bring up the spirits of the Husk Riders it is often Jullian Arwick who organizes regiment events such as sports events and celebrations for the emperor's honor to bring the men into good cheer.

Sister Velma Hesly[]

Velma Hesly
"If I find that your faith in the Emperor is insufficent, I shall kill you. The same is true for every heretic and Xeno, for that is his will."
—Sister Velma Hesly

Undoubtedly the most feared individual currently assigned to the 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry, Velma Hesly was assigned to serve as a aid to Jullian Arwick after some unknown shame befell her. Since the time of her shaming Velma Hesly has devoted herself to purifying herself in the sight of the Emperor and rooting out any possible weakness of faith in those around her. Often her "heretic hunts" prove to be damaging to both the moral and the battle order of the Husk Riders as she chooses to conduct her investigations at whichever time best suits herself and neither the tactical situation of the battlefield nor for the public image of the Husk Riders.

In the fields of battle Sister Hesly is a near unstoppable force, her boltgun, flamer and chainsword make her a more devestating force than even the guardsmen about her. Once she and those unfortunate enough to be in the same transport as her are released into the midst of the Emperor's enemies the Sister unleashes a fury the likes of which few of the Ozue people can claim to have ever seen. Often when she and a squad finally enter into battle it is with a force so beyond the normal abilities of the Husk Riders that the guardsmen about her are strained to prevent their unit from being cut off by the enemy for their over-expansion.

In her private hours Sister Velma Hesly is a quiet individual dedicating her time to observing the "weak-faithed" guardsmen about her and dedicating deeds and praise to the Emperor. Often to keep with her duty Sister Hesly will follow Missionary Jullian Arwick as he makes his rounds around the encampment of the Husk Riders, something that has earned her the moniker "the shadowing beast" amongst the men. However in the sparse moments where Sister Hesly is not conducting her duty or devoting herself to the Emperor she can be found studying religious texts while tending to a small set of flora she has been privately cultivating.

Commissar Olferious Arntovious[]

Commissar by mishai-d4me5ou
"And I am telling you Colonel, if you take this risk you will be failing the Imperium by throwing away valuable assets of war. It is not the Commissar's duty to cause the men to charge into the enemy recklessly it is his duty to place the Imperium's needs before the short sightedness of the men!"
—Commissar Olferious Arntovious

As the Commissar assigned to the 91st Ozue, Olferious Arntovious has little difficulty keeping the faith and moral of the men fighting within the regiment in check, even maintaining discipline within the regiment needs only the occasional act from the Commissar. However when the regiment interacts with those from other regiments or mingles with a civilian population Olferious finds himself called upon often to settle disputes or to aid local arbites in situations concerning the rambunctious men and women of the Ozue 91st Mechanized.

In the various battlefields in which the Husk Riders find themselves in Commissar Olferious keeps the aggression soured on by Missionary Jullian and by the nature of the Ozue in check often acting as a level headed voice of reason beside Colonel Vladimir. Keeping close to the command staff of the Ozue Regiments as Olferious has learned has proven to be the best tactic when keeping the Ozue in line, as often it is the nature of the Ozue and their leaders to act in ways which are detrimental to the strategies of the Imperium with their overzealous pursuit to destroy their enemy.

Both in and out of battle Commissar Olferious Arntovious is a man of few words, letting his actions speak much more loudly, particularly his bolt pistol's. He maintains a cold and calculating demeanor at all times, keeping a level head in the face of great offense, insult and danger. Before taking any action Olferious will weigh each benefit and cost of what he will do, meaning that every suggestion, order and decree the Commissar of the Husk Riders makes is one he feels will be of the greatest benefit.


Colonel Gregory Yans[]

"I thank the Emperor this day to have fought beside men like you. Despite how many of us are dead, or dying...I think we won."
—Colonel Gregory Yans

Once the Lt. Colonel of Colonel Vladimir Zhukov XVI, Colonel Gregory Yans was promoted to the position of Colonel to fill the vacancy when the Colonel was slain by an enemy and his decendant was not yet of proper age or experience to command the Regiment. As such Colonel Gregory Yans became the third man outside of the lineage of the Zhukov's to to take command over the 91st Mechanized Infantry. Gregory Yans proved to be a excellent commander, leading the Regiment for over twenty-two years after taking command, under his leadership the regiment beheld many successes most notable of which was the regiment's return to Trastor VII, the Colonel's final command.

In his tactical command the Regiment was perhaps it's most tactically effective, of everyone to have ever directed the Husk Riders few in their history matched the ability to apply each of the Husk Riders Companies as perceptively and with the precision in which he did. However the faults of Colonel Gregory Yans were almost as many as his great abilities, the man was a poor orator often if he attempted to rouse the men with a speech his words would prove entirely ineffective. Also Gregory Yans was in of himself a poor trooper, he was more suited for giving expert commands and for fooling the enemy than he was for using his bayonet to tear a enemy apart or use a cannon to pierce a tank.

Alone Gregory Yans was a good natured man, he spent much time around the four children he was father to and spent more time bringing the regiment and it's men together as a family. Often as Colonel, Gregory would orchestrate dinners, "outings", and other events for whichever guardsmen would join him, something which others. Notably a Krieg Commander and Major Vladimir Zhukov XVII. found borderline offensive. However this contributed to have making Colonel Gregory Yans one of the most beloved commanders in the history of the 91st Mechanized infantry. However since being struck by a dying chaos Lord Colonel Gregory Yans has been for all intents dead, only his brain damaged husk remains still struggling to regain any semblance of the clarity of thought or purpose he once had.

Major Joseph Igor[]

"I'm the man, the hero, the legend himself. I am Major Joseph Igor and I will kill you xeno."
—Major Joseph Igor

If ever there was a tale of truly inspirational heroism to come from the officers of the Husk Riders the story of Major Joseph Igor would be the first any of the Husk Riders would tell. Major Joseph Igor was a infantry man to his core according to his records and legend, rising through the ranks through merit of his battlefield performance and ability to better the men around himself. Eventually Joseph Igor became the Major of the Second Battalion Third Company and in this position lead the company from the forefront of each of their offensive formations.

It was this desire to lead from the front which lead to the situation in which Major Joseph Igor became a legend amongst the Husk Riders. Charging into a tide of Orks the Chimera transporting the Major and his men was separated from their company and their regiment when a Ork trukk used it's 'klaw' to latch onto the transport and carried the vehicle for nearly four kilometers from the battlefield. The crew within fought valiantly however once the fight with the Orks had been completed only Joseph Igor would survive. Alone the Major dislodged his Chimera from the Ork Trukk's grasp and nursed the vehicle back to the battlefield, only to discover that the battle and the Husk Riders had drove on. For the next half a month, Major Joseph Igor would search desperately for his Regiment, alone in the wilderness he would combat convoys of greenskins alone, often appearing on local imperial tactical charts as unexplained combats against the xeno menace.

After a half month alone Joseph Igor would find his regiment, the 91st had become trapped on a cliffside road with a Ork Warboss above them and boys assaulting from every possible angle. By the grace of the Emperor Joseph was in position to ambush the Warboss. Gunning the engine of the Chimera the Major of the Second Battalion Third Company committed a deed which would forever remain in the memories of those who witnessed the courage, and would remain as the most daring feat preformed by any single Guardsman of the 91st. Major Joseph Igor rammed his Chimera into the back of the Warboss, and took his Chimera and the Greenskin leader off the edge of the cliff. The fall would kill the warboss, and completely destroy the Chimera, however Joseph Igor would survive, earning high honors and would later accept a position to join the newly formed Ozue Schola Progenium as on of it's Drill Abbots.

Pvt. Bragon the Tank Skinner[]

"Fire, I want their hull."
—Pvt. Bragon the Tank Skinner

A legendary figure amongst the weapons crews of the 91st's Vekrineir gun-crews, Pvt. Bragon was a single guardsman who had allegedly in his time amongst the Husk Riders killed over one hundred enemy tanks, and had taken a plane of metal from each as a trophy. Records of a Pvt. Bragon amongst the Vekrineir gun-crews of the 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry are scarce and inconsistent, however a steadily growing count in the records indicate that there may be some truth in the legend. This in the eyes of the Vekrineir crews of the 91st more than validates the stories they tell.

According to the Legend Pvt. Bragon the Tank Skinner, was a guardsman whose incredible talent with his Vekrineir, had the man capable of placing a AP shell through any view-port on a tank more than 1800 meters away. This incredible accuracy coupled with the Private's alleged intuition in being always capable of placing his cannon exactly where it needed to be in the battlefield, one legend even had him and another guardsman in a bell-tower with their weapon, meant that in any tank engagement the legendary Private Bragon participated in would become the Guardsman's personal killing field. After a battle, as the legends claim Bragon would then take a Las-cutter out to each tank he had confirmed to kill and took a sheet of metal from it. Eventually as the stories will always claim the Guardsman was able to craft a entirely new Chimera for the Regiment, a new suit of armor, a new Vekrineir, and his own personal metal to wear. This metal is also as the final tale goes, all that was left of the famed Pvt. Bragon in his final battle against a never ending tide of Daemon Engines, when the regiment was destroyed during the Disgrace of Trastor VII.

Corporal "Blood-Hand" Zackariah Nuetov[]

—Corporal "Blood-Hand" Zackariah Nuetov

A infamous Corporal during the period of the command of Colonel Gregory Yans, "Blood-Hand" Zackariah garnered a fierce reputation of violence and combat prowess after only his first year in the Guard. With little respect for the authority above himself the eventual Corporal often acted alone, something that he and those around him preferred. During his tour of duty with the Husk Riders Corporal "Blood-Hand" gathered a kill count to shame even an Astartes, with his list of victims ranging from Eldar to the swarms Tyranid gaunts, from Warlords to peasantry. Eventually the immense violence of Corporal Zackariah Nuetov brought him into conflict with the rising terror amongst the regiment Sister Velma Hesly, while the sister would emerge the victor the battle proved to become a cautionary tale, meant to frighten the regiment's children if they stepped out of line.

Colonel Vladimir Zhukov III[]

"We will ride in, we will destroy the enemies of The God-Emperor! DO NOT FALTER CONTINUE FORWARD!"
—Colonel Vladimir Zhukov III

Fourth Colonel of the Husk Riders, Colonel Vladimir Zhukov III was a man of action often letting the deeds of himself and his regiment speak far more loudly than he, with his famous booming voice, did. Colonel Vladimir III was also famed for holding absolute faith in his regiment, in the couple hundred years they had existed they had never lost and their successes only increased under his command. Colonel Vladimir Zhukov III was also a notorious gambler betting upon his regiment with other commanders and playing games of chance with his men often.

In command Vladimir Zhukov III was also a daring commander, if a risk held a good reward he would bet upon it with a intuition and courage that only the most skilled or foolish of commanders could match. The Calm that Colonel Zhukov III displayed routinely in battle was a source of encouragement for those around him as he seemed to always be in control, this calm even held as daemons overran his command center and slew him in the Disgrace of Trastor VII. The Colonel's legacy would live on forever amongst the 91st as he pioneered Husk Rider Mechanized tactics well before any of his successors found the need to apply such tactics.

Historic Battles[]

The Disgrace of Trastor VII[]

Over one hundred years had passed since the 38th Ozue Tithe and the 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry under the command of Colonel Vladimir Zhukov III had yet to ever taste defeat. The aggression and skill-at-arms of the Ozue had proven far too much for even a Orkish Waaagh to overcome. Thus it was when the Ozue 91st Mechanized Infantry were called to the planet of Trastor VII with orders to join the local PDF and two other guard regiments in the purging of local heretics the regiment departed in high spirits, certain in their coming victory. The Ozue deployment proceeded much like any other deployment the regiment had undertaken, their Chimeras rolled through the desserts of Trastor VII hunting for dens of heretical scum and villainy, certain that their every action was pure, their every move blessed by the Emperor himself.

Abandoned chimera

As the days dragged onwards though the regiment found itself contentiously pursuing fleeing heretics and without rest. Eventually the regiment exhausted, stopped to rest in a small village of local loyalists. It was here, while one of the three major Imperial guard forces on Trastor VII rested, exhausted from pursuing false leads and diversionary forces that the Champion of Chaos, a Lord of the Word Bearers, called forth darkly upon his followers. With dark sacrifices and foul pacts he summoned forth daemonic favor and lead his forces to surround and attack the village in which the Husk Riders were taking refuge.

Surrounded, cut off from their reinforcements, and outmatched the Ozue 91st fought. Bravely they drove their Chimeras into the ranks of the enemy disgorging troopers directly upon the hated foe. Chain Bayonets and las-bolt tore into the ranks of the traitor, only where the presence of one of the dreaded Chaos Space Marines was to be found did the attack of the Husk Riders ever falter. Yet heretical numbers, and the need to defend the loyal village proved too much for the Ozue and they were forced back into the village. In the village center the Ozue kept their wounded, while locals tended to them. On the perimeter the Ozue fought valiantly holding back waves of cultists even as the earth about them turned to mud from the blood of the dead.

With the Ozue secure in the village the Chaos Lord sprang his trap, cultists hiding amongst the village attacked, sacrificing themselves and the wounded Ozue to the chaos gods, they summoned daemons to the field of battle, with the denizens of the warp behind them and traitor hordes before them the Ozue were overwhelmed and destroyed. Only a few lucky scouts who had escaped the battle on orders to acquire reinforcement, and the Regimental convoy which was back with the main Imperial force survived to carry on the legacy of the 91st. It would not be until the 39th Ozue Tithe until the 91st would ever see action as a regiment again.

The Return to Trastor VII[]

Gregory Yans, the long time Colonel of the Husk Riders received a unique honor in accepting the mission to join the Imperial forces deployed to retake Trastor VII from the traitors who had long ago shamed the Ozue 91st on the very same planet. As such the Colonel gathered his command staff, Lt. Colonel Nickolai Arntov, Major Vladimir Zhukov, Major Eishen Hans, Commissar Olferious, as well as the Ecclesiastical Attaches Missionary Jullian Arwick and his body guard Velma Hesly and delivered the glorious news that the regiment would finally remove the stain from it's honor and undo the Disgrace that was Trastor VII.

Gathered together with a force of eight fellow regiments the Husk Riders descended upon Trastor VII with hearts set on vengeance. Little knowing of the fierceness, or the legacy left by the battle they would be taking part in. The initial invasion of Trastor VII would proceed smoothly, the Imperial Navy cleared most of the heretical ships but unable to grant fire-support to the Imperial Guard forces below due to skirmishes still taking place with the traitorous forces, meanwhile the Imperial Guard Regiments deployed into the desert plains of Trastor in a tide of force that none amongst the heretics were able to withstand. Within only two months of warfare, the 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry and the Cadian 451st were only several kliks outside the former capital, now dread fortress of chaos, and could see the fires rising up from the city. Spurned on by the sight Gregory Yans ordered the Husk Riders to advance, while it would take a week of fighting the Husk Riders would become the first of the Guard to enter into the city since the planet's fall...however they were not the first Imperials.

Discovering Holy Adeptus Astartes of the Revealers Chapter locked in combat with the defensive forces surrounding the citadel of the Chaos Lord, Kyzan, The Husk Riders immediately drove into the battle. Using their Chimeras as rams and in a manner similar to siege engines, even at great personal cost, the Ozue allowed the Space Marines the breech needed for the champions of the emperor to enter the inner sanctum of the Chaos Lord. During this climatic battle the 91st suffered greatly, swarms of men gave up their lives to give even a few feet to the Space Marines beside them, while enraged by the prospect of being overshadowed by the Astartes Corporal Zackariah disobeyed orders and was eventually put down by Sister Velma Hesly. Most severe of the Regiment's losses in this battle though was their leader, Colonel Gregory Yans entered with the Revealers company commander, Captain Locun to battle against the heretical leader only for a broken Husk to be carried out by the mighty Astartes who praised the Colonel's self sacrifice in gaining the Captain the time he needed to strike his killing blow, while not dead the Colonel would never be able to return to duty.

The Cleansing of Auctuia[]

The 91st Ozue Mechanized Infantry participated in the bloody struggle known as as the cleansing of Auctuia while under the command of Colonel Heinrich Marx, the second man not of the Zhukov linage to command the 91st. During this campaign the local lords of Auctuia had turned against the Imperial governor taking their armies and nearly all the armored PDF of the agri-world with them. Thus it was the duty of the Imperial Armored Regiments along with support from the Ozue Mechanized 91st and 148th Regiments as support to the Imperial Armor. The Ozue 91st found itself challenged by the local traitors of Auctuia as the planet's population not only knew the land of their own world but also the most effective armored tactics to be used upon their world. The Imperial Armored forces the Husk Riders were to support proved to be vastly under-prepared to battle against the Traitors who also claimed the support of the local population.

With their pride challenged the Ozue pushed against their enemy more fiercely, the regiment found itself battling further and further away from the Imperial Armored Regiments they were to support . Instead the Husk Riders clashed with the infantry supporting the enemy armor cutting down the traitor groups in bloody skirmishes while also screening the enemies armor. The aggressive Ozue tactics and method of warfare proved effective when used by the Ozue in this way, the traitors infantry and local support dwindled while the Ozue continiously weakened the enemies armor before the main battle could begin.

In the Campaign the 91st fought their fiercest counter-armor battles and eventually were a contributing factor to the defeat of the traitor nobles. The Regiment was later awarded the Shield of Ozue for their talent and bravery in bringing the traitors to heel. This Campaign would also mark the beginning of the 91st's gradual pull away from operating strictly as a tank support Regiment and more as a official Mechanized Regiment.

Fourth Malgorum Campaign[]

The Fourth War for Malgorum was a horrendous blunder for the Husk Riders and a early shame for Colonel Vladimir Zhukov XVII. Called to participate in a war against the Tyranids on Malgorum the 91st Mechanized Regiment proceeded to Malgorum along side several Imperial line infantry regiments. On Malgorum the Husk Riders brought forward their wargear and specialized anti-material weapons. However the Tyranid being a rapidly adjusting and organic foe easily overcame the specialized wargear of the Husk Riders eventually forcing the Mechanized Regiment to fight alongside the line infantry Regiments in the trench lines. The central blame for the tactical blunder most likely sits with the Adeptus Munitorum however Colonel Vladimir Zhukov has since the regiment's shaming on Malgorum held himself responsible for not properly researching the enemy his regiment was supposed to face.



301st Sarcan Drop Regiment:[]

While the 301st and the 91st aren't exactly close, the Sarcans respect the Husk Riders ability to blow stuff up and the 91st still stubbornly believe that riding tanks is cooler then riding meteors.

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14th,15th Vakerian Traitors[]

The 91st was sent with the 232nd regiment of Hadsow Guard to a hive world believed to be under the Influence of Chaos. So influenced by the taint of chaos was the world that the holy ordinance of orbital defense cannons was unleashed against the Imperial Navy. With the Inititive quickly slipping away the Imperial High Commanders knew they needed to create a immediate beachhead or become beleigured under the constant strain of a naval seige, however the only area they could was a  large plain of land on the eastern hemisphere.Thus with their only opening avalible to them the Imperial Command issued the deployment order. Unknown to the loyalists was that the 14th and 15th traitor regiment's had known that was the only area to land and had prepared accordingly.

The battle was fierce dragged out by the limited reinforcements available to the loyalists, to further complicate the matter the traitor 15th had at their disposal a super heavy tank. The Hadsow took heavy casualties to their Infantry forces, and the 91st Ozue desperately tried a tactic never tried before by their regiment, quickly loading their crews and guardsmen into the drop ships, and flying low deployed their Chimeras and squads, often quite literally, onto the enemy directly. This plan worked brilliantly until the traitor stormlord fired it's volcano cannon, the enemy super heavy was believed to have been disabled by the weaponry of the imperial drop ships up to that point, upon a landing drop ship. It is claimed that so jelious of it's pure brethren that the machine spirit of the Stormlord finally gave into the Daemon within the vehicle which allowed the chaos energies ito fill the capacitors more quickly between shots. The 91st's courageous tactic faltered as the armored 15th Vakerian traitors eventually overcame the lighter vehicles of the Husk Riders, with the battle lost the Husk Riders begrudgingly withdrew as the 232nd Hadsow Guardsmen sacrificed themselves allowing the men of Ozue time to retreat to the evacuating Dropships.

The 91st Ozue Mechanized Infamtry Regiment now holds the 14th and 15th Vakerian Traitors, if not the entire Vakerian people in contempt for both their defeat and for allowing such an oversight in the loyalties of entire regiments to go unpunished.


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"You keep asking what gives a man the courage to sacrifice himself and his vehicle for his men? I tell you now, what gave me the courage to do the impossible was the 91st Mechanized infantry Regiment!"
Drill Abbot Joseph Igor
"While others ask themselves what they would wish of their lives, seek some purpose, My children and I, we know our purpose. It is to live our lives amongst the 91st, fight amongst the 91st, and to die for the 91st."
Colonel Gregory Yans
"It is selflessness that defines the Ozue 91st. They serve the Emperor with a devotion the likes of which few can claim to share. For they not only dedicate their deaths to the Emperor's battles, but also their lives, joys, sorrows and share this sacrifice with the men about them"
Missionary Jullian Arwick


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"Those inbred, agri-world jar-heads aren't much to look at, but damn do they have your back every step of the fucken way."
—Lieutenant Hugo Lars of the Nemiraian 650th Mechanized Regiment
"I've concluded my inspection of the 2nd Company and you definitely qualify for a deep discount."
Douchard Bagge
"Hahahaha you dare defy us you have vehicle's that can only dent ours which have been touched by Chaos hahaha you will fail corpse worshipers"
—Anonymous Vakerian traitor, shortly before a Imperial shell destroyed the view-port from which he was ranting.